Industry Partner Signup

Advertising Levels

  • $350.00: Bronze 
  • $500.00: Silver
  • $750.00: Gold
  • $1200.00: Premier


Please click below for additional information and application. 

The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is the source of education and professional recognition for Managers of all types of income-producing properties. IREM is the only professional association dedicated to serving the needs of all property management professionals. The institute’s mission is to educate, certify and promote the professional competence of IREM members in order to meet the needs or those who utilize their services.

The Benefits you will receive from the Industry Partners Program are:

  • You will have the opportunity to network with East Tennessee’s top professional property managers;
  • You will receive recognition at IREM events;
  • You will be listed in the IREM Directory Advertisement (size depends on the level of advertisement purchased);
  • Your company logo will be listed in our quarterly newsletter and on the website front page “crawl”;
  • You will have the opportunity to address the membership at IREM meetings as a “Vendor Spotlight”;
  • You will receive attendance of membership meetings at no charge, # of attendees based on membership level;
  • Special sponsorship opportunities at IREM events;
  • Members refer to the Industry Partners Directory first when service providers are needed. 


Industry Partners Application

Contact Name(Required)
Have you ever attended an IREM Meeting?(Required)

List two (2) business references:

Contact Name of Member that is Sponsoring Your Partnership(Required)
With your Industry Sponsorship, you will receive advertisements at an IREM meeting. Please choose a meeting month(s) that you would be interested in sponsoring. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your chosen month(s) but will make every effort to do so.
I acknowledge that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.